Herbalife en France : une réussite assurée en 2025 ?

Herbalife in France: Is the market developed?

Herbalife France Is the subsidiary of American company Herbalife Nutrition. This subsidiary has settled in France to allow French to easily access Herbalife Nutrition products. It's already decades than the hard adventure. So, it is legitimate to go on a horizon to see if Herbalife France comes to respond properly to the needs of its customers. Also, it will be necessary to check if the market has developed well since then. These are the objectives assigned to this article.

Herbalife Nutrition in Herbalife France

Herbalife France - Presentation of the company

Mark Hughes founded the Herbalife Nutrition company in the United States of America in 1980. The Company sits in Los Angeles and is recognized by the authorities as an anonymous company with public offering. As indicated by its name, Herbalife Nutrition is specialized in the nutrition and community well-being sector across thefood. The ideals and products of the latter have quickly echoed at the general public. Thus, the success of the company did not wait. Indeed, since the second year of its creation, it closes its account with a turnover of more than 2 million US dollars.

This rapid success has given promoters the idea of ​​exporting to other countries. Thus, they integrated the neighboring Canada market and progressively the other continents. The company today has a turnover estimated at US $ 4.4 billion and is present in 90 countries around the world, including France (Herbalife France).

In France, the Herbalife Nutrition company has settled since 1990 or 30 years of existence today thanks to its international Herbalife France subsidiary. Herbalife International France headquarters in Alsace (Mundolsheim) near the city of Strasbourg. It has been declared as an anonymous society. Gradually, Herbalife France is growing and today has about forty employees. At the end of the 2017 budget year, Herbalife France had a turnover of 58.9 million euros. Finally, Herbalife France has more than 100 product references to its credit.

What is the methodological approach of Herbalife France?

The nutritional approach of Herbalife France is the same as that of Herbalife Nutrition, because it is the same society. It is a more or less innovative approach that tends to distinguish from others. Indeed, Herbalife Nutrition puts much more on the equilibrium of the components (nutrients) of a meal. This involves finding a better balance between lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. Moreover, it is the first fundamental axis of its nutrition program. And therefore, it occupies 80% of the proposed customer solutions.

Sport activity is the second axis of the Herbalife France Nutrition Program. This axis concentrates 20% of the company's program. For the company, a balanced diet is a good thing, but this is even better when associated with sporting activities formatting. Thus, by combining a food balance and sports activities, the company tries to ensure well-being to all its clientele. This is its main vision.

Finally, there is a third area that is much related to the first two. This is coaching consultant. Indeed, Herbalife is not content to bring products to provide customers and help them to have community sports. It goes far beyond. Herbalife France provides training and customer technical support for the design of balanced menus that can easily cook at home for his welfare. This section also takes into account support for sports amateurs and professionals. The goal is to help them achieve the best performance.

How is the distribution of products to Herbalife France?

Herbalife France as the umbrella organization Herbalife Nutrition opted for direct distribution. Indeed, Herbalife has no external intermediaries such as pharmacies, shops and supermarkets to distribute its products. The product passes directly from the company to the customer via the so-called independent distributors.

We call independent distributor any self-employed person Herbalife France who voluntarily decides to distribute Herbalife products. Independent distributors are paid sales commissions. Distributors usually start in France with the status of Seller at Home Independent (VDI). The present distribution system has the advantage of creating custom relationship between the customer and the distributor. This answers also to one of Herbalife objectives: to create a community. Thus, the VDI has the possibility to advise or coach customers.

What are the distribution and remuneration levels in Herbalife France?

Herbalife France - The different levels of remuneration

The general public, those who distribute the products Herbalife France are independent distributors. Which is not true, because the product distribution is a direct distribution is done in 3 levels. The first is called the Seller at Home Independent (VDI). This is the starting point for any distributor. VDI takes the products directly from the company. The latter gives him with reductions that constitute its profit margin in case of sale. The earnings are important and can be up to 50% depending on the level of sales. This sales technique has integration Herbalife France in the French federation of direct sales.

You can exceed this level and move on to the next level if you make a certain number of sales regularly. Herbalife France can allow you to become an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is as a sales manager who is in charge of commercial agents. So as an entrepreneur, you will support the Seller at Home Independent (VDI) that you will recruit and train for the distribution.

At this level, your pay is a commission calculated on the turnover achieved by each VDI. This commission is usually between 25 and 50%. This is the first type of remuneration the distribution contractor might have. Apart from sales commissions, you can have a second level of remuneration as distribution entrepreneur. This is the royaltie premium. It rewards the work of coaching and organization that you do to enable VDI to perform well. The entrepreneur distributor business is profitable since you will no initial financial investment to recruit and train your VDI.

Some top selling products by Herbalife France

Herbalife France offers several product lines on the market. Among them, some are solicited by customers. These include among others:

The Herbalife formula 1

The formula 1 is one of the most sold products by the company Herbalife France. Moreover, it is often present in the composition of the products or in the available packs. Formula 1 Herbalife presents itself as a food substitute. Like all Herbalife products, Formula 1 has a perfect nutritional balance in nutrient. Composers have made sure to find the perfect balance between items such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids and other nutrients.

Also, to respond to the diversity of organisms, Herbalife has made available to its customers several varieties of Formula 1. So you can have on the market, Formula 1 gluten free and lactose-free, Formula 1 without sugar and well Others. It is the same with regard to taste. You can have flavored, vanillas, chocolates and even raspberry tastes.

Formula 1 is a balanced special nutritional composition made from milk of very good quality and soy protein. Formula 1 specific gluten free, soyless, lactose and sugar-free soy have been elaborated from pea proteins and some plants. These are Formula 1 adapted to vegetarians for example.

This diversity of formula 1 naturally induces a diversity of each of the constituent elements. And therefore of the energy intake even if in the end, we will have the same result: your well-being. Indeed, by their compositions, the different varieties of Formula 1 aim to bring the necessary nutrients to your body while ensuring your weight. They help you lose weight. Also, they fight against fatigue by their antioxidant property.

QuickStar Herbalife Slimming Pack Products

The QuickStar Herbalife Slimming Pack is an association of 4 different Herbalife products. These are the new generations formula. This pack is on the market to help obese people or eager to lose weight to reach their goal fairly without prejudice to their health. Formula 1 of the QuickStar Herbalife Slimming Pack can be used in a variety of ways. You have the option to substitute them for some of your daily meals or use them in food supplement. This package includes:

Slimming Drink Formula 1 Herbalife

The Slimming Drink Formula 1 is the main component of this pack. It is she who does the great work of degreased and eliminating the toxins of your body. As for its use, you recommend taking a box of 550 g that you will use twice a day in substitute for 2 meals. The results will be very satisfactory after only 3 weeks of rigorous use.

Neutral protein Formula 3 Herbalife

Second component of the pack, the Slimming Protein Formula 3 Herbalife aims to bring you the necessary proteins to your body as the Slimming Drink Formula 1 makes the work of degreasing. The goal is to maintain the balance of the components of your body. She enriches muscle tissue and allows you to have the perfect weight especially at the belly level. It is also to use over three weeks. You will have to buy the 240 g box and you just consume a tablespoon after each meal.

Fiber supplements

Third component of this pack, fiber supplements help you have an easy gastric transit. Indeed, chronic indigestion are part of the reasons for obesity and bloated ventures. The body finds the way to store somewhere what it can not evacuate. To avoid it, you must regularly use fiber supplements. This helps you have a fluid gastric transit. The 162 g box is often advised to use for 1 and a half months (6 weeks).

The multi vitamin supplement

THE 4th Component of this pack is the multi vitamin complement. It is also a very essential element in this pack. Indeed, when the Formula 1 Slimming has started its role of degreasing, imbalances are observed at the level of vitamins. And if nothing is done, these imbalances will be prejudicial to your health and cause other diseases. To avoid them, you must consume the complement multi vitamin. Generally, you recommend the 180 g box that contains 90 tablets. It is to use for six weeks.

The Herbalife France market

Well-being is a major concern in the minds of most French. Thus, the latter give themselves the means necessary to feel in good shape. Thus, they are constantly looking for effective solutions or tricks to treat diseases such as obesity. Herbalife France brings them the solution. So, they exploit it thoroughly. This makes the Herbalife market consistently and in full progress each year. Moreover, the turnover of the company testifies. For example, for the year 2017, the company has made a turnover 58.9 million euros. This figure has evolved in 2018 to reach the sum of 61.4 million euros. The share of the profits recorded for 2018 is € 1,730,228.

These different figures testify to the importance of Herbalife France in the daily French of the French even if it has not yet a total coverage. The Herbalife France market is well developed and still has progress margins for the future.

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