Herbalife pendant le ramadan, comment utiliser les produits ?

Herbalife During Ramadan, how to use the products?

During Ramadan, you must respect Ramadan's rules as well while maintaining your muscle mass and avoid taking fat and optimize your hydration. Discover how Well use Herbalife products during the Ramadan periodor any other fast period

Respect Ramadan and continue to maintain your muscle mass

During Ramadan, the "sultan of the 11 months", millions of Muslims around the world focus on inner reflection and fast dusk at dawn. If you fast during Ramadan, not only do you change your eating and sleep habits, but the biological clock of your body is also undergoing A series of changes, both physically and mentally. Dehydrated and hungry because of fasting, your body slows down your metabolism in order to use the energy most efficiently possible.

But you can always enjoy fasting and respect the spirit of Ramadan simply by drinking enough water and looking at what you eat during suhor (the meal period before sunrise) and after Iftar (the meal period after sunset).

Understand your nutritional needs and compensate

During Ramadan, to meet the energy and nutritional needs of your body during the day, you need to eat foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and make sure you drink enough water. The drink at Aloe Vera will allow you to maintain your hydration.

This does not mean that you need to eat everything you need at one time during the Suhor. If you do that, Your body can not use energy intake at one time, which can lead to weight gain. This is due to the fact that your metabolism adapts to eating habits during Ramadan.

Adults need drinking 2 to 4 liters of water a day. Even if you pull 40% of this amount of food, fruit juices, mineral water, tea and other drinks, you still have to drink 1.5 and 2.5 liters of water a day. This means that you have to drink two or three glasses of water per hour of Iftar in Suhoor. You can use Herbalife tea at this time!

What to eat and what to avoid

One of the most common mistakes is to eat snacks after the Iftar to cut the appetite, then fall asleep, jumping the Suhor and remaining hungry until the next Iftar. You must always eat during the Suhoor, preferably just before the start of fasting and feel free to take a Herbalife shaker with the protein mixture. Eat before going to bed or avoid eating during the Suhoor can lead to serious hypoglycemia and dehydration problems the next day. Therefore, you might feel dizzy and distracted during the day.

So, what should you eat during fasting to feel more energetic throughout the day? a slight breakfast, healthy and hearty is a Excellent option with Formula 1. Before sunrise, you can eat dairy products and fresh vegetables such as cheeses, eggs, tomatoes and cucumbers. In addition, you can always enjoy soup, vegetables cooked in olive oil and fruit.

This combination meets the daily needs of your body in energy, vitamins and protein. In addition to the fruits, you should eat bread and complete wheat pasta or bulging wheat rich in carbohydrates and fiber, Who are good for your digestive system.

Dried fruits, nuts and almonds are also excellent food supplements. They can give you a feeling of satiety for long hours throughout the day. It's not just the variety of foods you eat, but also the portions that play a decisive role in your diet. You must choose smaller portions and eat in aware way.

During Ramadan, you must Avoid daily activities Who can dehydrate your body, especially during the warm summer days. If you work in hot weather or if you are a professional athlete who wants to fast, use food supplements for healthy and balanced diet that will help you in your daily activities. Try to practice your activity an hour before the period you can eat, in order to bring the necessary proteins and nutrients with Herbalife to your body and enter the recovery and repair phase of the muscles.

Take care of your health and diet during Ramadan

If you do regularly exercise, you must Continue satisfying your daily energy, protein and water needs during the periods where you do not fast. In addition, reduce the duration of your 30% exercises during Ramadan.

Breaking fast with easily digestible foods is a good healthy option. During Ramadan, people tend to eat a lot and very quickly after long periods of fasting. But try to break the fast with soup, then water, Ayran or freshly squeezed fruit juice, so that you can moisturize your body After a long day of dehydration, then eat the main dish 10 or 15 minutes later. You will avoid excessive food consumption by giving you a feeling of satiety, which will help your digestive system.

For the main course, meat, chicken or grilled vegetables, boiled or steam cooked are good options. By masticating your food and traveling an hour or two after the Iftar, you can help your digestive and cardiovascular system.

Ramadan is indeed a sacred period of the year and fasting is an important part of this sacred month, but as you can see, there are many options for fasting and staying healthy and well fed.

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