Aloe vera Herbalife - Pourquoi cette boisson améliore votre hydratation

Aloe Vera Herbalife - Why this drink improves your hydration

Herbalife offers a drink at aloe vera that you can mix with water. The goal is to allow you better hydration while keeping a gourmet side! There are several flavors of which one, very pure, which makes it possible to have only aloe juice (attention, it is not frost) without any added sugar. It is in my opinion the best way to control body acidity and help you in your elimination.

What is aloe vera and why consume?

Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant that has been used for thousands of years to treat various conditions. It is generally possible to use Aloe Vera directly from the plant or buy it as gel.

The creams, gels, drinks and ointments at Aloe Vera contain the transparent gel found in Aloe Vera. These products can be applied locally to treat various skin conditions. Aloe is sold in the form of capsule or liquid to be taken internally to promote health and well-being.

Whether outdoors or inside, Aloe Vera helps to treat and accelerate fitness

The medicinal allegations concerning Aloe Vera, as for many herbs and plants, are endless. Some are supported by rigorous scientific studies, others not. This article focuses mainly on those who are supported by research.

A sportsman drinking herbalife drink at aloe vera

Good for teeth and gums

A study published in General Dentistry reported that Aloe Vera contained in dental gels is as effective as the toothpaste to combat caries.

Researchers compared the ability to combat gel gel with aloe vera with two popular toothpastes. They found that freezing was equally effective, and in some cases even better than commercial toothpastes, to combat oral bacteria responsible for caries.

The authors explain that Aloe's latex contains anthraquinones, compounds that actively cure and reduce pain through natural anti-inflammatory effects.

Scientists warned that all the gels they analyzed did not contain the proper form of Aloe Vera - they must contain the stabilized gel that exists in the center of the plant to be effective.

Constipation problems

The German Herbal Regulatory Agency - Commission E - approved the use of Aloe Vera for the treatment of constipation. Doses of 50 to 200 milligrams of Aloe latex are generally taken in liquid form or capsules once a day for up to 10 days.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided in 2002 that there was not enough data on the safety and effectiveness of aloe-based products; As a result, in the United States, they can not be sold to treat constipation.

Antimicrobial antioxidant and antimicrobial properties for Top detox

Aloe Vera can be used on skin conditions or superficial cuts for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.
Researchers from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, published a study in Molecules magazine.

The team focused on determining whether the methanolic extract of the skins of leaves and aloe vera flowers could have beneficial effects on health Human. Scientists have focused on possible antioxidant activities and antimycoplasmic from the extract.

Mycoplasmas are a type of bacteria that do not have a cell wall; They are not affected by many common antibiotics. Antimycoplasmic substances destroy these bacteria.

They reported that the extracts of flowers and leaves of Aloe Vera had antioxidant properties, especially the skin extract of the leaf. The leaf skin extract also presented antimycoplasmic properties.

The authors concluded that "extracts of a. Vera skin of leaves and flowers can be considered good natural sources of antioxidants".

Improvement of the state of depression, learning and memory

A study published in Nutritional Neuroscience has shown that Aloe Vera reduced depression and improved memory in mice.

After conducting experiments on laboratory mice, they concluded: "Aloe Vera improves learning and memory, and also relieves depression in mice".

Other studies are needed to determine whether humans could also benefit from the same benefits.

Injuries due to second degree burns

A team of plastic surgeons compared Aloe Vera gel with a 1% silver sulfadiane cream for the treatment of second degree burns.

They reported in the Journal of Pakistan Medical Association that the burns of patients treated with Aloe Vera healed much faster than those of patients treated with 1% silver sulfadiazine (SSD).

The researchers added that the patients of the Aloe Vera group benefited from a Significantly greater pain relief and faster than those of the SSD group.

The authors wrote: "The thermally burned patients and dressed in Aloe Vera gel showed an advantage compared to those dressed in SSD with regard to the early epithelialization of wounds, the faster relief of pain and the relationship. cost-effectiveness ".

Thus, solid studies are carried out and prove that it is very interesting to drink daily aloe vera or to apply to heal!


What are the flavors and composition of Aloe Vera Herbalife Nutrition?

There are different flavors:

  • The original taste of Aloe Vera.
  • The mango taste for the most gourmands.

The mango taste does not add very little sugar compared to the original taste. However, it allows people who do not like the taste of Aloe Vera to be able to drink more easily. His texture is very nice. In reality, you will not find "parts"Who floats and are disgusting as in most drinks. Here you will have a aloe vera liquid that will mix with another liquid. give a slightly troubled water.

Taste ? This is delicious ! Personally, I love drinking this drink and tell me all the good that it will do to my body. There is another aloe vera proposed by Herbalife, the aloemax that concentrates a maximum of aloe with:

  • Contains 97% aloe vera juice
  • Without dye, sweetener or aroma
  • Only 2 calories per serving

That benefits in such a healthy sports drink!


How to take the drink of Aloe Vera of Herbalife?

Simply mix with lukewarm water (not cold to avoid cutting digestion.) You will get a delicious drink that has only advantages!

You can drink it in the court of your day. As soon as you take a glass of water, you mix an aloe vera cap with your water! Otherwise, you can very well the use during meals. The neutral taste is my favorite because you can mix it at any meal. So, it may be a sporty drink in the morning, during a meal or during a small snack.

A bottle of Aloe Vera will allow you to hold 30 days! We recommend that you couple this product to Herbalife tea! Click here to buy your drink at Aloe Vera d'Herbalife!

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