Une femme qui est coach a bien maigri et perdu du poids grâce à Herbalife.

𝕍𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕣𝕖 𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕕𝕤 𝕖𝕥 𝕞𝕒𝕚𝕘𝕣𝕚𝕣 𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕔 𝕝𝕖 𝕖𝕥 𝕝'𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟

Each person who knows the products and programs proposed by the Herbalife Nutrition members knows that it is very often awarded by often very fast thanks to very efficient products. I will give you my opinion on the subject and explain how it works. Attention, one must of course follow a varied diet and play sports!

Overweight in France very present

Currently the finding in France shows an overweight rate that stagnates but remains very high and has a different health worries.

It appears that 41% of men suffer from overweight and 15.8% obesity - respectively 25.3% and 15.6% for women. Either, overweight and obesity combined, 56.8% of men and 40.9% of women in overweight, according to the studies of theNational Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM).

In children from 6 to 17 years 17% are overweight, 4% of which are obese.

According to WHO, in 2030 one in three French could be obese and this French will probably be one of our children .. which is just alarming. Despite all the finding today and many French people take care of their health and well-being and tendency to Better feeding and doing more physical activities and sports is in growth. Just look at the number of sports groups that train outdoors in the big cities, people who are going to run foot after work, and the arrival of new food trends. The French understood the problem and now seek solutions to lose weight

The Herbalife Nutrition program in addition

Herbalife products are not there to make you lose weight or lose weight, but participate in fitness. It's your diet that will participate in your success in addition to the sport in a weight loss goal

The solution for breakfast: Formula 1

If we want his weight loss to work so do not stop on the evening meal but balance all his diet over the day and it starts with a good breakfast!

Formula 1 is a nutritional drink that will bring you everything your body needs to wake up. You have not fed it during the evening that preceded neither during the night it takes so Break this game period With the good protein intake to feed muscles, fast and slow sugars to bring you quick energy upon waking and all morning, about half of daily vitamin and mineral needs as well as fiber to slow down the Hunger (I did not talk about hungry cut!). All this nutritional intake will end up in few calories for not having excess. So we have the right balance for

  • Detercock quickly.
  • Losing more easily fat.
  • Sculpt his silhouette.
  • Increase your energy level over the day to have less fatigue.

The importance of good meals

It is not a diet but a rebalancing, a healthier way of life to adopt. Meals will therefore be normal, balanced meals adapted to your rhythm of life. If a distributor invites you to replace your three meals of the day with Shakes do not listen to it and do not do it! The Formula 1 nutritional drink will serve you for breakfast, that's all. I personally serve my experience as a nutrition trainer for 7 years to accompany the customers I coach and satisfaction is there. In short, do not deprive yourself, know how to please you once a week, do not abuse the quantities and everything will be fine. If I am your coach I will make sure you bring you a very simple nutrition education that will allow you to make beautiful healthy and fast plates to prepare and eat even after finishing your program.

The importance of physical and sports activity

The Herbalife Nutrition concept is based on this vision: 80% of nutrition results, 20% of the results brought by sport. 100% coaching. Physical or sports activity will be recommended to go faster in weight loss. Weight loss by simply focusing on nutrition and possible, but slower. I personally accompany my clients on sport through personalized sports programs.

The results

Herbalife Nutrition progresses has a crazy speed in France with ever more consumers. After suffering from a bad picture She redores the coat of arms with brilliance by proving the efficiency of his products.

  • 30000 consumers At the end of 2016, 40000 at the end of 2017.
  • + 113% increase of turnover between 2013 and 2017

Even though the brand helps athletes and people who simply want to eat better, the pillar of his success holds consumers for a good fitness. Satisfaction results in customer loyalty and recommendations to new people.

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